Bike Welcome Label

secure bicycle storage:
providers for more extensive repairs and luggage transport
The Spinning Wheel, 44 avenue Paul Riquet - 11400 Castelnaudary - 07 68 13 87 23
BZ Bike – Traveling workshop (truck) - Bernard Zapella 07 82 21 89 36
Canal du Midi roaming: Luggage transfer to your next stopover.
If you wish to organize a luggage transfer, you can contact (at least 4 days before the transfer):
Bagafrance - 04 67 15 82 03 -

Local traders
During your stay, favor our local merchants and farmers:
Goat cheese: Bonifié farm, 0676902215
25 km
Cheese and cow products: Brioula farm, 0673514242
Competition chickens in Airoux: ferme la private, 0684355810
Fruits: Cheminières apples , 0610626432
2 km
Vegetables and local groceries: Les compères, 0658498290
Wine: Jean Baptiste Fau, 0668537720

Your well-being
For total rejuvenation
These practitioners come to you during your stay at Grand Bassin:
Greg will relax you with foot reflexology: Learn more
With Sylvie, discover a sound bath: Find out more
Delphine will take you for a walk with the sophrobalade:Find out more
Cathy will take care of your health with a juice workshop or other theme
Happyculteur and its educational hive to discover the beautiful pollinators and their excellent honey (ask us for contact details because the site is under construction)
You need care and want to organize tours:
Nursing office: 04 68 23 80 12
Relax, we'll take care of everything!
Order your groceries, let us know and they will be at the gîte when you arrive: